Sizzling Presentations for
Your Writers Conference

Finding captivating and motivating speakers
can make or break a writing conference.

Dear Writers Conference Director and Program Committee,

If you are looking to spice up your writer's conference with a fresh look at freelance non-fiction writing, please consider my presentations.

I offer your beginning and experienced conference attendees a choice of over ten interesting and informative presentations that will knock their socks off!

My writing conference presentations are offered individually or in a series of four non-fiction themes:

* How To Get Started as a Freelance Writer
* Secrets of Travel Writing
* Marketing Your Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories
* Fresh Ideas for Experienced Freelance Writers

If you have non-fiction, journalism, freelance, or travel writing topic threads scheduled for your conference program, I have some great presentations to update and inform your participants.

You see, I've developed a system that almost guarantees my story ideas will be published. I've been told most freelancers are happy with a 25% acceptance rate for their article ideas. Mine is 93%!

Of 170 ideas I've pitched to magazine editors, less than a dozen have ever failed to be picked up by a magazine or newspaper editor. In 25 months of freelance writing I've been published over 350 times around the world!

Many times I have to stop sending out query letters because I have ten or more articles stacked up. Right now I have 16 articles commissioned to write within 30 days - a problem most freelance writers would dearly love to have.

I'd like to share my experiences and the secrets of my system with your attendees. My Freelance Writing 101 series will show them how to break into freelance magazine writing and bring in an excellent adjunct income, limited only by the time they put into this rewarding and exciting career.

I'll tell them the basics with "How Get Started As A Freelance Writer", and "How and Where to Find Magazines to Pitch Your Articles".

Freelance Writing 101 Series
* How to Get Started as A Freelance Writer
* How and Where to Find Magazines to Pitch Your Articles
* Seven Essential Habits for Freelance Magazine Writing Success

Everyone wants to be a travel writer. And its popularity and glamour makes travel writing the hardest genre to break into today. Yet my experiences have shown me how to get almost every one of my travel stories into print.

My "Breaking Into Travel Writing" and "What's Hot in Freelance Travel Writing" presentations share my must-do secrets on the travel writing market.

Travel Writing Series
* Ten Things You'll Need to Know and Do When Starting Travel Writing
* What's Hot in Freelance Travel Writing: The 9 Best Selling Travel Markets

The beauty of my presentations is that you and your programming committee can pick and choose the ones that will best fit your conference, from my topic list.

My Marketing Your Freelance Articles series thoroughly covers one thing that is of paramount importance to all writers. And typically, it's the hardest thing for them to master-marketing their stories.

Any writing, whether mediocre or really good, is essentially of no use if it can't get placed somewhere. Most beginning freelancers and novelists have little or no idea how to find a home for their stories. And I've learned many tricks of the trade that will enhance your writer's chances of getting their stories into print.

My presentation on "How To Create Irresistible Query Letters" will show them how to convince editors that they'll be losing out big time if they don't take their proposed article.

Seven sure fire ways to have editors requesting your articles are introduced in "Multiple Submissions = Multiple Acceptances". I've often had several editors accept the same article pitch, and I'll tell your attendees what to do in this situation and how they can spin more articles out of this problem.

Marketing Your Freelance Articles Series
* How to Create Irresistible Query Letters
* Multiple Submissions = Multiple Acceptances
* The Life Blood of Freelance Writing: Selling and Reselling Your Non-Fiction Magazine Articles

If you're struggling to find presentations to entice experienced, published non-fiction writers to attend next year's conference, try some of the presentations from my Advanced Freelance Writing series:

I bet they'll be interested in hearing my presentations on "Eight Techniques for Landing Repeat Freelance Writing Assignments" and "Seven Ways to Find Unique Ideas for Specialist Magazines"

I've found a way to get my articles published in many different genres, from travel and culture, to art, military history, running, triathlon, fitness, health, communications, and film magazines. My Advanced Freelance Writing series will show your seasoned participants new ways on how and where to get their work published in a wider variety of magazines, in my presentation on "How to Save Time, Increase Your Income, and Expand Your Writing into New Magazine Markets".

I'll point your veteran writers in the right direction to expand their portfolio in magazines they never dreamed they could be published in with my, "You Don't Have to Be An Expert to be published in Specialty Magazines" presentation.

Advanced Freelance Writing Series
* Eight Techniques for Landing Repeat Freelance Writing Assignments
* Seven Ways to Find Unique Ideas for Specialist Magazines
* How to Save Time, Increase Your Income and Expand Your Writing into New Magazine Markets
* You Don't have to Be An Expert to Be Published in Specialty Magazines
* Establishing a Sacred Bond with Editors: Seven Tips on Developing A Strong Relationship With Editors

If publishing a non-fiction book is one of your conference attendees' main goals, I'll tell your aspiring writers nine good reasons why they should start their writing careers with freelance magazine and newspaper writing.

Being published in magazines establishes a solid reputation that will improve the non-fiction (and fiction) writer's chances of a publisher accepting their book, and gives the author a built in platform to launch a marketing campaign for their book, to boost sales.

My talk on "Nine Reasons Why Aspiring Authors Should Start By Freelance Writing" gives nine compelling reasons that will have your attendees pitching story ideas to magazine editors the day after they get home from your conference.

Freelance Writing for Authors Presentation:
* Nine Reasons Why Aspiring Authors Should Start by Freelance Magazine Writing

No doubt you're wondering what experience I have that enables me to speak with authority on these topics. I have a rather remarkable story to tell you and your attendees. . . . please read on . . .

I attended a three-day travel writer's workshop in July, 2007, and started freelance magazine writing two months later, on September 1st. In the following 7 months I had 101 articles accepted for publication in over 50 regional, national and international publications.

Now, after 25 months of freelance writing, I can tell my friends that I'm a full time professional in the field. . . with over 160 articles published 360 times in more than 100 magazines, newspapers, in-flights and e-zines-including five cover stories!

My work is published in the United States of America, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

Now, I'm not sure if this is the highest number of articles a magazine freelancer has ever written in such a short time. Maybe there are freelancers out there who regularly achieve this-but I have yet to meet one.

Every time I go to the magazine rack at Barnes and Noble, Borders, or my local supermarket I can find two, three, four or more magazines with my articles in them. And editors continue to snap up my articles as soon as I pitch them. My record is one hour from pitch to acceptance!

The diverse range of magazines and e-zines publishing my work include: the Artilleryman, Beers-of-the-World (UK), Emirates Open Skies In-flight, Northwest Travel, South Sound, Sunday Oregonian, Go World Travel, Tourist Travel, Travellady, Scotland, Columbia Gorge, Monitoring Times, Popular Communications, Mysteries, Renaissance, Sculpture, Tennis View, Videoscope, Zymurgy, Wellbeing Journal, New Zealand Sunday News, Classic Military Vehicle (UK), Military, Classic Arms & Militaria (U.K.), Fitness Management, Men's Fitness, Fitness Rx For Women, Marathon & Beyond, Runner's World (UK), and Triathlete's World (UK).

I've had my success story published in The Writer Magazine (May, 2009), and two other articles in their Freelancing section. And other writing magazines have run my how-to and success story articles including The New Writer (U.K.), and Writer's News (U.K.). The American Writer's and Artists Inc. (AWAI) regularly publish my writing articles in their E-Newsletter.

Your participants, whether beginner or experienced, will walk away with much to think about from my workshops, and even more ideas to try for themselves with their freelance writing careers.

Please let me know how I can tailor my presentations to fit your conference needs.

Roy Stevenson

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